A Tiger Talk Farewell

After a great run, the Tiger Talk boys bid farewell as they head off to different coasts to start their lives in the real world. Josh (center) and Jake (right) pose above with Tigers’ catcher Brent Wunner (left) just after graduation.

As they say, all good things must come to an end. And, well, Tiger Talk has finally reached its end…at least for now.

After walking the stage to graduate and taking some time off to celebrate, the T-Talk boys have bid their adieus and gone their separate ways: Jake has returned home to Culver City, while I’m back in Massachusetts for the summer to work. Surely it won’t be the last time we’re together, but as Oxy grads looking to find our way in the real world on opposite coasts, it most likely means the end of our participation in the podcast and the blog.

Admittedly, Tiger Talk slowed a bit this semester– my posts were sporadic and we never actually got around to editing or posting much of our recorded video content– but in the end, I still believe we can confidently look back on all we’ve done and say that it’s been a success. Our goal in creating this site, our YouTube feed, Facebook page, and Twitter account was to bring Oxy athletics and Tiger athletes closer to the fans: we wanted the experience to be more personal, more honest, more enjoyable. And by in large, I think we accomplished that: with the podcast, we gave you live interviews; with the blog, we gave you some insight; and with our special features and segments, hopefully we gave you a little bit of entertainment, too.

Sure, it wasn’t perfect (just look at any of my early interviews or articles if you need proof of that). But it was still a great learning experience for both me and Jake, and we hope that you all had as much fun along the way as we did.

Will this be the end of Tiger Talk forever? We honestly don’t know. We’ve talked about potentially turning it over to a returning Oxy student next year, letting Jake keep things going from afar, and just stopping it completely, but no decision has been made for sure. Whatever the outcome, though, I will always be proud of all that we’ve done here on Tiger Talk, and especially thankful to everyone who has given us their support along the way.

If they’re right that all good things must come to an end, then so be it; however, I am sure that in some way this won’t be the last of Oxy Tiger Talk forever.

As they also say: the end is only the beginning. So long for now…