Audio and Video Archives

Complete Tiger Talk Podcasts

Week 4: Hoffman honored, reactions to the OSBLN NFL Panel, Week in Review, Jake’s Mascot Matchups

Week 5:  Ryan Graff and the Oxy Weekly, Week in Review, Jake’s Mascot-Matchups

Week 10: Jake’s Tiger Talk in Brief

For further archives of complete Podcast episodes, please “Tiger Talk” on the Oxy Sports Portal. 


Tiger Talk Podcast Special Segments

Week 1: Interview with Oxy’s Athletic Director, Jaime Hoffman

Week 3: Who is “Exercise Man”?

Week 6: Interview with volleyball player Stephanie Gann

Week 7: Interview with Oxy’s Sports Information Director, Mike Wells

Week 8: Interview with volleyball player Gwynne Davis

Week 9: Interview with swimmers Zach Condon and Sara Damore

Week 11: Hurricane Oswald

Week 11: Interview with OSBLN president Travis Brody

For a complete list of all Tiger Talk audio and video files, check out the “Oxy’s Tiger Talk” YouTube page.

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