About the Hosts

Josh Throckmorton (Beloved Tiger Talk Founder)

Welcome, everyone! My name is Josh (obviously) and I am a senior American Studies major (and History minor) from Bedford, Massachusetts. I play baseball at Oxy, (2B, 3B, and now I’m getting to live my bizarre life-long dream as a middle relief pitcher), announce football, volleyball, and basketball games on campus, and am a proud member of the Occidental Sports Business and Law Network (which you may occasionally hear/read about). Away from school I’ve worked as an internet broadcaster for the Y-D Red Sox of the Cape Cod Baseball League, and as a deejay for my high school’s radio station (which I’m pretty sure had a consistent audience of exactly 0). This is my first blog and my first podcast, so there definitely will be a learning curve as I get accustomed to the technology, but I look forward to the challenge and for having you all along for the ride.

Jake Blodgett

What’s up everybody? Throck asked me to take a minute to introduce myself to our (well mostly his) readers. For starters, my name is Jake. I am originally from Los Angeles, but now I’ve moved all the way to Culver City. I just graduated from Occidental this past May, and now have taking the position of the Tiger’s pitching coach while also interning with the sports information department and office of institutional advancement. Unlike the brains of our operation, I have very little experience in the sports media world. However, having played baseball for a good portion of my life as well as being a sports fan, I think that I will be able to do this justice to both the Tiger Talk Show and the Tiger Talk blog. That said, this will be a great learning experience for me both in terms of being a comedic sidekick for a radio show, and in getting to know a lot more about Oxy sports.

Matt Hillman

Matt aka “turtle,” “the gunman,” “the sprinkler,” or just Hillman is a junior history major here at Oxy. He is interning with the Tigers Sports Information Director, Mike Wells, learning more about Occidental Sports than anyone could ever want to know. Matt is a catcher on the Tigers baseball team holding the record for most pitches caught in practice at well over 15,000. With a plethora of interesting facts, and a love of sports the Turtle will seek to fill the void left by the absence of Josh Throckmorton this year.



Ryan Graff

As Oxy Weekly Sports editor, a Tiger Talk veteran, and Occidental athletics broadcaster extraordinaire Graff’s credentials speak for themselves. Ryan will be stepping into the hosting and editing duties of Tiger Talk’s weekly podcast to allow Matt and Jake to remain lovable sidekicks.

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